ESi is routinely called upon to investigate and remediate different types of boiler issues and can provide specific recommendations to help improve operational efficiencies and reduce risk, maintenance and downtime, often resulting in significant cost savings.

Chemical & Petrochemical
ESi has a wide variety of expertise and experience that can be utilized to find solutions to a wide variety of issues facing chemical and petrochemical producers, transporters, and users.

Drilling Operations
ESi's drilling operations team works on cases involving drilling including both onshore and offshore, as well as the normal maintenance that is associated with existing wells.

Consultants working in this area have expertise applicable to a wide array of manufacturing processes and facilities.

Power Generation
ESi's power generation experts have extensive experience conducting power plant investigations. The scope of our projects range from identifying the cause of boiler tube failures, identifying the failure mechanism of complex axial compressors, as well as steam and gas turbine component failures or electricity generators

ESi has an exceptional team of multidisciplinary engineers, scientists, and technicians with as much as five decades of individual O&G industry experience as well as a diverse team of young engineers trained in the latest analysis techniques and others with experience across most industries.