Extreme weather events frequently result in damage to structures. ESi consultants are experienced in responding to crisis situations faced by our clients when these weather events occur. Our experience includes investigation of storm damage to residential, commercial, public, and industrial buildings; agricultural facilities; dams and levees; and other infrastructure.
ESi serves clients in the public and private sectors including those in the insurance and legal industries, to provide scientifically-defensible insights regarding the root cause of damages, development of mitigation measures, and safety assessment. We make use of advanced technology to assess site-specific conditions.
ESi can rapidly deploy our team members for field reconnaissance to collect perishable evidence, gather video and photo documentation, perform laser scanning, conduct sampling, and take measurements. We can support our clients in preparing emergency stabilization measures, evaluating hazardous materials, performing habitability assessment, and designing permanent repair measures.
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Hail claims involving metal roofs with cosmetic damage exclusions oftentimes require a multi-disciplinary approach to determine if a roof has indeed been functionally damaged.
Technically accurate, fast, and comprehensive support of CAT claims is essential for insurance carriers maintaining good relationships with their insured.
ESi's expertise spans dozens of industries and specializations organized across several practice groups, each staffed by dozens of in-house experts with the technical knowledge, hands-on expertise, and courtroom experience required to execute projects for and with our clients from start to finish.
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