Data at a Distance: The Art of Remote Inspections

The CDLA and ESi invite you to join us online for a CLE-approved webinar.

Date:      Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Time:     Noon – 1:00 pm (MDT)


Robert Jones, Staff Counsel with State Farm Insurance Company, Jeremy Maline & Associates

Matthew Kenner, Senior Managing Consultant, ESi

Charles Fox, Director of Technical Services, ESi

Data at a Distance: The Art of Remote Inspections

As communities come together to respond to the challenges of the current environment, we are implementing new ways of doing things, leveraging technology to stay connected and operate more safely and effectively. Whether your claim involves component issues, faulty products, or other types of failures, this webinar will provide you with the tools to help ensure a quality inspection and avoid potential mishandling or misrepresentations during the analysis.

What You Will Learn

This webinar includes a demonstration and practical how-to guide for participating in a remote inspection, including:

The State Bar of Colorado has approved this webinar for CLE credit.



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