James R. Panko

James R. Panko, P.E.



James Panko is an accomplished Civil/Structural Engineer with more than 20 years of Civil/Structural design and forensic engineering experience in the industry. Mr. Panko provides expert consultation in the areas relating to building and site design, structural and building envelope failure analysis for various building types, and premise liability. Mr. Panko has performed building evaluations on structures affected by moisture intrusion, high wind events, snow loading, fire, blast loading, vehicle impact and vibration induced loads to determine the extent of damage and provide root cause determination of failure. Mr. Panko has experience in the design and construction practices relating to the exterior environment around buildings. He performs forensic investigations relating to site drainage, grading, ADA compliance and trip and fall hazard assessments. Mr. Panko has extensive experience as Engineer-of-Record for projects from all sectors of the built environment including the Department of Defense, Department of Corrections, healthcare, higher education, industrial, agricultural, mixed use retail, and residential.


  • Incident Site Management – Managing and Documenting an Incident Scene, Proceedings of the 7th Congress and Forensic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, January 2015

ESi's expertise spans dozens of industries and specializations organized across several practice groups, each staffed by dozens of in-house experts with the technical knowledge, hands-on expertise, and courtroom experience required to execute projects for and with our clients from start to finish.

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