The Washington Defense Trial Lawyers (WDTL) and ESi invite you to join us online for a CLE-approved webinar.
Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022
Time: Noon – 1:00 pm (PDT)
Presenter: Jason Babcock, Ph.D., ESi Senior Consultant, Chemistry Group Director
Chemical Dependency: When Building Materials Fail
In this course, participants will learn how chemical compositions in building materials affect their functions and how modern chemical analysis can determine the root cause when they fail.
The course will introduce participants to the nomenclature and basics of the chemicals used in modern building materials. Case studies will show how chemistry is used to identify types of failure issues, as well as the analytical tools used to determine causation of the failure.
At the end of the course, participants will have obtained an understanding of how highly engineered, modern building materials are dependent upon chemistry to make them operate properly, and how deviations in those chemical components can adversely affect the performance of these materials in their intended function.
The Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) has approved this webinar for one CLE credit.
ESi's expertise spans dozens of industries and specializations organized across several practice groups, each staffed by dozens of in-house experts with the technical knowledge, hands-on expertise, and courtroom experience required to execute projects for and with our clients from start to finish.
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